Saturday, May 10, 2014 0 comments

Happy Song of the Day: Can't keep it inside

Love the simple tune and lyrics of this song :)

Monday, April 21, 2014 0 comments

Happy Song of the Day: Everything's OK by Lenka

Hope you enjoy this lovely song too :)

Thursday, April 17, 2014 0 comments

Happy Encounters: Believe in Good - The Unsung Hero in Thailand

You should definitely check this out.  One of the most touching ads I have ever seen that can bring a tear to your eye.

Sunday, April 13, 2014 0 comments

Happy Encounters: Yoga Time with Nic and Pancho (Amazing Dog)

Check out this video.  Pancho is so impressive!

Friday, April 11, 2014 0 comments

Happy Picture: Sweet dreams

Hope you have a sweet dream tonight ;)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014 0 comments

Happy Encounters: Unbelievable Bus Shelter | Pepsi Max. Unbelievable #LiveForNow

Amazing Ad.. Real impressed!

Saturday, March 29, 2014 0 comments

Quote of the Day: Don't look for happiness. Create it.

Fruit for thought..

Thursday, March 27, 2014 0 comments

Quote of the Day: Staying Positive

Quote of the Day: One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 0 comments

Happy Encounters: Earth hour - Turn off to turn on

This is one of the best ads I have seen lately.  So true, so sweet and so subtle.  Love it :)

Monday, March 24, 2014 0 comments

Happy Encounters: 8 humans with superhero powers

After watching all the super hero movies, have you ever wondered how cool it'd be if those powers actually exist in reality?  Well here are some amazing people who actually have powers that are pretty close to super hero powers in real life!  Check them out and you'll surely be impressed ;)  My favourite one would be the real human torch. 

marvel character composit Answered: Which Studios Own Which Marvel Characters

1. Liam Hoekstra, the Incredible Hulk Toddler
2. The Samurai who can slow down time
3. The Real-life Namor
4. The Real Human Torch
5. The Iceman
6. The Human Anvil
7. The Real Iron Man Suit
8. Ben Underwood, The Real Daredevil
Click here for full story:
Tuesday, March 11, 2014 0 comments

Happy Encounters: Baby Arabel swimming at only 1 year and 9 months old

Came across this clip today and what an impressive baby!  This was shot 2 years back and wonder what a swimmer she would be like now!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014 0 comments

Happy Encounters: Make Over Your Morning Mindset With These 6 Pieces Of Inspiration

Some great inspirations on how to get your morning started :)

Make Over Your Morning Mindset With These 6 Pieces Of Inspiration - Huffington Post

Our alarms are going off, we're grouchy about traffic, we spilled coffee on our work pants -- what's so great about mornings, anyway?

Turns out, our first waking moments can be the best part of the day if we approach them right. Try starting the day with a happy attitude and a cherished ritual. Need some inspiration? Here's how to get motivated to bring new meaning to the phrase "good morning"



F H Mira/Flickr




Monday, January 13, 2014 0 comments

Happy Song of the Day: To have and to hold

This is the best song to share with your loved ones, your life long companions :)

To Have and To Hold

This very moment, right here and now
Begins the journey of my dreams
On to forever, hand in hand
With the one who matters most to me
I have tomorrow to look forward to
For God has given me you

To have and to hold
To cherish and honor
To love and call my very own
To share all I am with
Body, heart and soul
You are mine as I am yours
To have and to hold

Partner, companion, lover and friend
Keeper of all things I hold dear
I see you before me and my heart is filled with joy
For everything that has brought me here
And I have tomorrow to look forward to
For God has given me you

(short instrumental)
I have tomorrow to look forward to
For God has given me you

To have and to hold
To cherish and honor
To love and call my very own
To share all I am with
Body heart and soul
You are mine as I am yours
All my days, all my life
To have and to hold