Monday, March 24, 2014

Happy Encounters: 8 humans with superhero powers

After watching all the super hero movies, have you ever wondered how cool it'd be if those powers actually exist in reality?  Well here are some amazing people who actually have powers that are pretty close to super hero powers in real life!  Check them out and you'll surely be impressed ;)  My favourite one would be the real human torch. 

marvel character composit Answered: Which Studios Own Which Marvel Characters

1. Liam Hoekstra, the Incredible Hulk Toddler
2. The Samurai who can slow down time
3. The Real-life Namor
4. The Real Human Torch
5. The Iceman
6. The Human Anvil
7. The Real Iron Man Suit
8. Ben Underwood, The Real Daredevil
Click here for full story:

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