Saturday, March 10, 2012

Happy Encounters: New Happiness Resolution eCourse

Would love to introduce this course to the workplace.  I truly believe having happy workers would increase productivity, as people will be more engaged and focused when they are happy and more willing to help one another.  Besides, as we only have 24 hours in a day, and we have to spend 8-10 hours a day at work, life would suck without a happy working environment.

(Extract from Market Watch).  Renowned Harvard researcher Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage and Founder of Good Think Inc., announces today the availability of The Happiness Resolution eCourse, a unique online interactive course on the science of happiness and success designed to boost employee engagement, creativity, and productivity.
Seeking more energy, less stress and your maximum positive impact at home and the office? Achor has compiled the key findings from his Harvard research into one accessible eCourse.
The course features 5 chapters of original content detailing key principles to increase success and performance as well as the latest positive psychology and neuroscience findings, focusing on what it takes to achieve and maintain your resolutions: how to form and stick to a habit, make large goals manageable, lower your activation energy, master new skills - and how to apply these core concepts for greater personal and professional success.
Achor's research proves that our formula for success is backward: happiness fuels success, not the other way around. These exercises train your brain to be more positive, making you more engaged, creative and resilient at work.
Availability: The Happiness Resolution eCourse is available for $45 USD through the Institute for Applied Positive Research at .

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