Sunday, March 4, 2012

Happy Encounters: New system could eventually ‘eliminate’ batteries

This is another new discovery related to how technology could help improve our environment and save our planet from the toxic wastes of batteries.  The idea of using radio waves as power seems real cool.  Wonder when we'd be able to see such a product from the gadget shops.

"Researchers at the University of Bedfordshire have developed a new technique for powering electronic devices, which they claim could eventually eliminate the need for conventional batteries.
Developed by Prof Ben Allen at the Centre for Wireless Research, the system - believed to be a world first - uses radio waves as power.
The university has now filed a patent application to secure exclusive rights to the technique, the BBC reported.
Prof Allen and his team, including David Jazani and Tahima Ajmal, have created a system to use medium wave frequencies to replace batteries in small everyday gadgets like clocks or remote controls.
The new technique developed as part of the university’s research into 'power harvesting' uses the 'waste' energy of radio waves.
Prof Allen said that as radio waves have energy - like light waves, sound waves or wind waves - these waves could be used to create power."

View 'link' for the full article from Deccan Chronicle.

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